Hair Transplant in Nagpur is indicated in hereditary cases of hair loss and androgenetic baldness, which occur in many men and in some women.

Androgenetic baldness or alopecia is a condition that affects more men and is related to sex hormones, mainly testosterone. Hair transplantation is the surgical treatment of baldness. In this plastic surgery, hairs, usually from the back of the scalp (donor area), are transplanted in an area where there has been total or partial loss of hair (recipient area).

Modern baldness surgery aims to obtain a more aesthetic and natural result. The dreaded “doll hair” look no longer occurs. Among the precautions taken, we can mention:

(1) use of broken lines in tracing the anterior part of the bald area,

(2) capillary complementation of the sides of the head,

(3) use of fine and delicate follicular units,

(4) distribution of follicular units very close together in the anterior line of the bald area,

(5) maintenance of the natural direction of hair growth.

This procedure requires a specialized team, which is divided into a group to dissect the follicular units and another to implant them.

During the surgery, thousands of hairs are transplanted. The hair used is always the patient’s own. In more extensive baldness, complete hair restoration is impossible, as the number of follicular units obtained from the donor area is insufficient to cover the entire bald area. However, strategically distributing the follicular units associated with new hair transplant sessions (minimum of 8 months between surgery) helps to achieve a more satisfactory result.

Hair transplant in Nagpur: FUT x FUE

The Strip technique or FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) is the classic hair transplant technique and remains the most performed. Another technique used for hair transplantation is FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), in which an incision is not made to remove a strip of tissue in the donor area. In this way, there is no linear scar on the scalp. In FUE, follicular units (FUs) are removed through small round incisions around them (less than 1 mm). In this process, respect for the direction of the hairs’ birth is essential to avoid their transection.

FUE is subdivided into simple and robotic (Robotic FUE). In simple FUE, follicular units (FUs) are extracted using a micropunch (a device with a small round cutting blade), while in robotic FUE, these units are removed by a machine consisting of a robotic arm, controlled by sophisticated software. In this case, a program uses a laser to scan the patient’s donor area and identify the FUs to be extracted. It is up to the doctor to activate the extraction process of these units, performed by the machine. The robot needs to be calibrated and constantly supervised. In both simple FUE and robotic FUE, the extracted follicular units are separated and transplanted as in the classic technique, that is, by the surgeon with the help of his team.